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Sarah Markle, Cello

Sarah Cello.jpg

Are you a native Charlottean?
Nope, I’m originally from Buffalo, NY.

What drew you to your instrument?
My grandmother is the world’s biggest fan of the cello, so I grew up hearing Yo-Yo Ma and Jacqueline du Pre a lot. When it came time to start a string instrument, most of my 4th grade classmates picked the violin, which I figured would be too squeaky, so I picked the cello, which it turns out was also pretty squeaky.

What are the challenges and opportunities unique to your instrument?
Opportunities: playing continuo for Baroque music, playing for non-classical genres, being able to play melody as well as bass line. Challenges: TRAVEL.

If you weren’t a classical musician, what would you be doing?
I’d be working on a PhD in Linguistics, and then probably be unemployed. (This answer fluctuates on a near-daily basis.)

What are some of your non-musical interests, or passions?
Rollerblading on Charlotte’s awesome greenways, writing limericks, alternative health, and coffee.

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